Structural characteristics of space frame

The space frame is a form of spatial frame structure. Most of the space frame structures are made of pipe and bolt-ball nodes .The space frame structure is generally composed of a quadrangular cone, a triangular cone and a hexagonal cone.

Advantages and characteristics of space frame structure as followed,

1. Space work, simple and direct way of force transmission, suitable for large span, no column roof structure.

2. The structure is light in weight and has good economic indicators. Compared with the flat steel roof frame with equal span, when the span is less than 30m, the steel quantity can be saved 5~10%;When span > 30m, it can save 10~20%.

3. Large space stiffness, small dead weight and good seismic function.

4. Simple construction and installation; Less type of steel pipes and nodes; Convenient for transportation, storage, loading and unloading, assembly.

5. Flexible plane layout of the space frame, flat roof system, conducive to suspended ceiling, pipe and equipment installation.

LF is a professional manufacturer and engineering company for space frame and steel structure projects.Do you have a construction project we can help with? We are always ready to help you!



Shape of steel space frame structure

Types of steel space frame structure roof

Space frame dome structure