Bulk method for installation of  space frame 

The installation of the space frame is done in bulk.The operation process is as follows: setting out, checking the line, installing the lower chord plane grid, installing the upper chord inverted triangle grid, installing the lower chord positive triangle grid, adjusting, fastening, welding and acceptance of supports, checking the concrete strength of the column top, checking the specimen report. After qualified, the line setting and acceptance of the column top can be carried out at high altitude.
Installation method of space frame: Before the space frame assembly unit node, the parts must be checked repeatedly, and the Numbers should be put in the seat in order.After each unit node is assembled, the tightening degree of the bolt shall be checked with the afterhand.After a certain area is installed, the lower chord is supported with temporary support to correct its lower chord elevation.After the installation of the entire network, re-check the fastening bolts, and remove the temporary support after adjustment.Use theodolite and level to detect the position error of the space frame while installing.
LF is a professional manufacturer and engineering company for space frame and steel structure projects.Do you have a construction project we can help with? We are always ready to help you!Website:www.cnxzlf.com



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