Liuzhou Liubei converter station power station construction

On May 17, 2020, Liuzhou Converter Station in Liuzhou City, responsible for the construction of China Southern Power Space Structure Guangxi Transmission and Transformation Construction Co., Ltd., successfully completed the last space structure lifting and capping task. This hoisting project uses a computer-controlled hydraulic lifting system to set up 12 hoisting points. Through eight trips, the space strutcure weighing 730 tons and covering an area of 7,400 square meters is hoisted to a predetermined height of 32.83 meters and safely installed in place.
After the lifting of the space structure of the valve hall this time, it will be built into a complete valve hall on the basis of it, which will provide a good environment for the operation of the converter valve in the later period and help it carry out the power transmission at a long distance. The lifting work of the space structure was completed successfully, marking the end of the construction part of the civil A standard.
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